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Bangladesh is in my heart.Bangladesh Independent day 26th March 1971,victory day 16th Dec 1971

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I want to write but I can't, I don't know what happened with me but I understand that if I want I can.

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This is an empty page. My life is also like this without you. Love you more then I can say. Love you more then I want. Missing you Bangladesh.

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Sometimes I read your old message and I cried for you. Sometimes I played with memories and I cried againe. Sometimes I see your photo and remember our memeories which also cried me a lot.

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I wrote some stories for you. I know that when you read it you will surely cry because it was taken from our love story. One question for you how could you do this? May I know how do you pass your time without me?

Sunday 5 June 2016

Relations with the parties and media

Relations with the parties and media

3.1 The Election Commission maintains close contact and relations with all the political parties. On matters of election schedule, election process and over-all arrangement for election, dialogue is initiated with all political parties. Discussion on issues relating to voter registration, preparation and updating of electoral rolls and allied matters is also conducted with political parties.

3.2 Maintenance of peace and order figures prominently in the discussions the Election Commission conducts with the political parties. Efforts are made to seek
co-operation and understanding to ensure prevention of terrorism and violence before, during and after the polls. The Election Code of Conduct formulated in consultation with the major political parties is enforced on them for strict adherence, without any set-up or discrimination.

3.3 The Election Commission, after detailed discussions with all political parties, undertakes various tasks for :

a. updating the electoral rolls, setting up of polling stations, allocation of symbols to the political parties, preventing undesirable pre-poll activities by appointing Judicial Officers. In addition, vigilance and observation teams are set up at the grass root level to prevent pre-poll irregularities and untoward incidents.

b. Creating confidence among the people through improvement of the overall law and order situation, enforcement of the Election Code of Conduct, voter education programmes through mass media including radio and TV, posters, rallies and by providing security cover, both stationery and mobile, on the polling day.

c. Arranging participation of the political parties to observe the polling process, counting of votes, consolidation and declaration of results so as to make the entire polling process transparent to all.

3.4 The media play a vital role in publicizing various issues relating to election. The Election Commission carries on briefing of the media on regular basis so that people are informed of all developments. Problems, difficulties and complaints which are highlighted in the media are attended to promptly by the Election Commission on priority basis. The media also play an important role in educating the voters on the importance of their votes and also the need for their active participation in the electoral process. The Election Commission maintains close and regular contact with the media seeking co-operation for balanced, non-partisan news coverage and editorial views encouraged to offer constructive suggestions for improvement of the overall election environment and to express views impartially before and after the polling.

3.5 The Election Commission takes care to see that the state-owned newspapers and electronic media like radio and television provide balanced and objective news coverage of contesting political parties. In this behalf clear guidelines are prepared and issued for strict adherence, covering also speeches of the political party chiefs and interviews over radio and television. During the last election an innovative interview programme on TV called "SHOBINOYE JANTE CHAI" (May we know with due respect ?) to which major political parties were invited to express their views on various national issues through a question-answers session attracted massive attention of the people and was widely acclaimed.

Election management body

Election management body

2.1 Establishment of the Election Commission

Article 118 of the Constitution provides for the establishment of an Election Commission for Bangladesh consisting of a Chief Election Commissioner and such number of other Election Commissioners, if any, as the President may from time to time direct. The appointment of the Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners (if any) is made by the President. When the Election Commission consists of more than one person, the Chief Election Commissioner is to act as its Chairman. Under the Constitution the term of office of any Election Commissioner is five years from the date on which he enters upon office. A person who has held office as Chief Election Commissioner is not eligible for appointment in the service of the Republic. Any other Election Commissioner is, on ceasing to hold such office, eligible for appointment as Chief Election Commissioner, but is not eligible for appointment in the service of the Republic.

Powers of Election Commission (Article 118(4) and 126 of the Constitution, read with Article 4 of the Representation of the People Order, 1972):

The Election Commission is an independent constitutional body in the exercise of its functions and subject only to the Constitution and any other law. The Commission may authorize its Chairman or any of its members or any of its officers to exercise and perform all or any of its powers and functions under the law.

Article 126 of the Constitution and Articles 4 and 5 of the Representation of the People Order, 1972 provide that it shall be the duty of all executive authorities to assist the Election Commission in the discharge of its functions.

The Commission has the power to require any person or authority to perform such functions or render such assistance for the purpose of electron as it may direct.

2.2 Election Commission Secretariat

The Election Commission has a full-fledged Secretariat under it to render all assistance to execute the decisions and orders of the Commission. The Election Commission Secretariat is headed by a Secretary to the Government.

2.3 Functions of the Election Commission Secretariat:

Assistance to the Election Commission for -

(a) preparation of electoral rolls for use in all national and local bodies elections.

(b) Delimitation of territorial constituencies for the purposes of election to Parliament.

(c) Conduct of referendum and elections (including bye-election/re-election) to the office of President, Parliament, Paurashavas (Municipal Committees), City Corporations, Union Parishads (Union Councils) and Three Hill Districts Councils etc.

(d) Reservation and allocation of symbols to political parties/candidates, when required;

(e) Supervision of polling arrangements throughout the country on the eve of each election and appointment of polling personnel, namely : Returning Officers, Assistant Returning Officers, Presiding Officers, Assistant Presiding Officers and Polling Officers;

(f) Printing and supply of ballot papers to all polling stations located all over the country;

(g) Procurement of election materials including ingredients for the manufacture of indelible ink and their distribution amongst the polling stations;

(h) Procurement, supply, storage and maintenance of ballot boxes throughout the country;

(i) Setting up of elaborate machinery throughout the country for collection and dissemination of result of elections;

(j) Consolidation of all election results and their formal publication in the official gazette, as required by law;

(k) Constitution of Tribunal for the disposal of election petitions and performance of such other functions in this regard as may be prescribed by any other law;

(l) Framing and publicity pertaining to the elections and their implementation;

(m) Collection and compilation of election data for research, reference and records;

(n) Preparation and publication of comprehensive reports of all types of elections;

(o) Regulation and control of officers and staff of the Election Commission Secretariat and its field establishment;

(p) All laws on subjects allocated to it.

2.4 Field Offices :

(a) Divisional : There are 9 Deputy Election Commissioners posted at 9 Divisional Headquarters.

Functions of the Divisional Offices are to maintain liaison between the Election Commission Secretariat and the subordinate field level offices and to co-ordinate the work relating to conduct of all types of elections and registration of voters and preparation of electoral rolls including day to day amendment and correction in the list of electoral rolls and other matters as and when entrusted by the Election Commission .

(b) District: There are 83 Election Offices in the 64 District Headquarters headed by District Election Officer.


The District Election Officers carry out all work relating to registration of voters, printing of voters’ list, management of national and local level elections, training of polling personnel and all logistical arrangements for elections. As an officer of the Election Commission, the District Election Officer renders all possible assistance to the Returning Officer and polling personnel with forms, packets, manuals, instructions and supply of ballot boxes, electoral rolls, ballot papers and maintains all accounts for expenses incurred for different elections.

(c) Thana/Upzila set-up :

At the lowest tier of the field organization, there are Thana/Upzila Election Officers in all Thanas/Upzilas. The main functions of the Thana Election Officer are to assist divisional/district offices in the discharge of functions relating to elections.

2.5 Returning Officers and Asstt. Returning Officers :

For all national and local level election, Returning Officers and Asst. Returning officers are appointed from among government officials by the Election Commission or by authorized officers of the Commission for conducting specified election.

2.6 Presiding Officers and Polling Officers: Within the constituency, Polling Stations, each generally having five polling booths, are organized in such a way that about four hundred voters can cast their votes at a booth between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on the polling day. Each polling station is headed by a Presiding Officer (PO) and each booth by an Assistant Presiding Officer (APO). Each APO is assisted by two Polling Officers. All these officials – POs, APOs and Polling Officers are drawn from government and non-government organizations, taking into account their experience, abilities, integrity and courage.

2.7 Budgetary provisions : The Election Commission Secretariat (ECS) is a full fledged division of the Government of Bangladesh which directly deals with Ministry of Finance about all matters relating to allocation of fund for all administrative and electoral activities. For elections to all tiers (local and national) the Secretariat sends estimates to the Ministry of Finance for allocation of required fund which normally the Secretariat gets. Not only electoral and administrative budget but also budget relating to law and order for conduct of election are also allocated to EC Secretariat. The EC Secretariat reallocates fund to the Ministry of Home for all the law enforcing agencies. This is unique in Bangladesh in the context of Budget allocation for conduct of election.