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Bangladesh is in my heart.Bangladesh Independent day 26th March 1971,victory day 16th Dec 1971

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I want to write but I can't, I don't know what happened with me but I understand that if I want I can.

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This is an empty page. My life is also like this without you. Love you more then I can say. Love you more then I want. Missing you Bangladesh.

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Sometimes I read your old message and I cried for you. Sometimes I played with memories and I cried againe. Sometimes I see your photo and remember our memeories which also cried me a lot.

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I wrote some stories for you. I know that when you read it you will surely cry because it was taken from our love story. One question for you how could you do this? May I know how do you pass your time without me?

Sunday 5 June 2016

Voter awareness

Voter awareness

6.1 Voter awareness is an important factor to conduct an election in a free, fair and impartial manner. Willingness of the eligible persons to be registered as voters and their participation in the voting process are important ingredients for a sound democratic process.

6.2 Right from enumeration work for registration of voters to the time of casting of votes at the Polling station, efforts are made to make people aware of their right of franchise and the importance of the exercise of this right. The Election Commission undertakes voter education programmes on democracy and various aspects of election through different news-media, cinema slides, Radio and TV. The Mass Communication media, Department of Films and Publications also play significant roles to educate voters on their right of franchise and the method of casting votes. The Election Commission also arranges through the Divisional and District authorities including Thana administration meetings/rallies with the electorate, representatives of political parties, local elite and people of all walks of life for creating awareness about democracy, the right and value of franchise.

6.3 The public awareness campaign also includes a series of poster campaigns. Rallies and processions are organized to mobilize public support for free and fair elections. Special events like folk songs and drama are also organized by local volunteers.

6.4 Non-government organizations are also encouraged by the Election Commission to conduct voter education programmes with the materials (posters, slides, films etc.) developed by them highlighting the importance of vote, the right of the voter, functions of the legislature, responsibilities of the elected representatives to the electorate etc.

6.5 The underlying idea of voter awareness programmes is to ensure large-scale participation of citizens in the choice of their representatives so that establishment of a representative and responsible government is ensured.

Relations with the parties and media

Relations with the parties and media

3.1 The Election Commission maintains close contact and relations with all the political parties. On matters of election schedule, election process and over-all arrangement for election, dialogue is initiated with all political parties. Discussion on issues relating to voter registration, preparation and updating of electoral rolls and allied matters is also conducted with political parties.

3.2 Maintenance of peace and order figures prominently in the discussions the Election Commission conducts with the political parties. Efforts are made to seek
co-operation and understanding to ensure prevention of terrorism and violence before, during and after the polls. The Election Code of Conduct formulated in consultation with the major political parties is enforced on them for strict adherence, without any set-up or discrimination.

3.3 The Election Commission, after detailed discussions with all political parties, undertakes various tasks for :

a. updating the electoral rolls, setting up of polling stations, allocation of symbols to the political parties, preventing undesirable pre-poll activities by appointing Judicial Officers. In addition, vigilance and observation teams are set up at the grass root level to prevent pre-poll irregularities and untoward incidents.

b. Creating confidence among the people through improvement of the overall law and order situation, enforcement of the Election Code of Conduct, voter education programmes through mass media including radio and TV, posters, rallies and by providing security cover, both stationery and mobile, on the polling day.

c. Arranging participation of the political parties to observe the polling process, counting of votes, consolidation and declaration of results so as to make the entire polling process transparent to all.

3.4 The media play a vital role in publicizing various issues relating to election. The Election Commission carries on briefing of the media on regular basis so that people are informed of all developments. Problems, difficulties and complaints which are highlighted in the media are attended to promptly by the Election Commission on priority basis. The media also play an important role in educating the voters on the importance of their votes and also the need for their active participation in the electoral process. The Election Commission maintains close and regular contact with the media seeking co-operation for balanced, non-partisan news coverage and editorial views encouraged to offer constructive suggestions for improvement of the overall election environment and to express views impartially before and after the polling.

3.5 The Election Commission takes care to see that the state-owned newspapers and electronic media like radio and television provide balanced and objective news coverage of contesting political parties. In this behalf clear guidelines are prepared and issued for strict adherence, covering also speeches of the political party chiefs and interviews over radio and television. During the last election an innovative interview programme on TV called "SHOBINOYE JANTE CHAI" (May we know with due respect ?) to which major political parties were invited to express their views on various national issues through a question-answers session attracted massive attention of the people and was widely acclaimed.