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Bangladesh is in my heart.Bangladesh Independent day 26th March 1971,victory day 16th Dec 1971

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I want to write but I can't, I don't know what happened with me but I understand that if I want I can.

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This is an empty page. My life is also like this without you. Love you more then I can say. Love you more then I want. Missing you Bangladesh.

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Sometimes I read your old message and I cried for you. Sometimes I played with memories and I cried againe. Sometimes I see your photo and remember our memeories which also cried me a lot.

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I wrote some stories for you. I know that when you read it you will surely cry because it was taken from our love story. One question for you how could you do this? May I know how do you pass your time without me?

Sunday 5 June 2016

Elections organized by the Election Commission since Independence of Bangladesh

Elections organized by the Election Commission since Independence of Bangladesh

Bangladesh achieved freedom on December 16, 1971 through a historic nine-month bloody war of liberation. Since independence, the people of the Republic have cast their votes directly in the following elections organized by the Bangladesh Election Commission :


a. The National Level Elections :

(i) 8 Parliamentary Elections held on 7 March 1973, 18 February 1979, 7 May 1986, 3 March 1988, 27 February 1991, 15 February 1996, 12 June 1996, and 01 October 2001.

(ii) 8 Presidential Elections held on 8 April 1973, 3 June 1978, 15 November 1981, 15 October 1986, 8 October 1991, 22 August 1996, 14 November 2001 and 16 September 2002.

(iii) 3 Referendums held on 30 May 1977, 21 March 1985 and 15 September 1991.


b. The Local Bodies Elections :

(i) 7 Union Parishads (Union Councils) Elections held on 19-30 December 1973, 13-31 January 1977, 27 December 1983 (1983-84), 10 February 1988, 22 Jan-6 Feb 1992, 1-31 December 1997 and 25 Jan-16 March 2003.

(ii) 5 City Corporations Elections held on 3 March 1988, 30 January 1994, 3 January 2000 (Chittagong City), 25 April 2002 (Dhaka, Rajshahi & Khulna City) and 20 March 2003 (Barisal & Sylhet City).

(iii) 7 Pourashava or Municipality Elections held on 31 December 1973, 13 August 1977, 11 February 1984, 28 Jaunary 1989, 30 January 1993, 23-25 February 1999 and 5-10 May 2004.

(iv) 1 Hill District Council Elections held on 25 June 1989.

(v) 2 Upazila Parishads (460 Upazilas) Elections held on 16, 20 May 1985 and 14 - 25 March 1990.

Code of conduct, prevention of pre-poll irregularities and election petitions

Code of conduct, prevention of pre-poll irregularities and election petitions

11.1 The code of conduct: To avoid malpractice and manipulation of any kind in the election process to ensure free and fair election, the Election Commission has, under article 92B of the Representation of the People Order, 1972, formulated the Code of Conduct for the observance of political parties and the contesting candidates. The salient features of the Code of Conduct are the following :

a) Ban on subscription, donation etc. to any institution.- Following the announcement of the election schedule till the day of polling, no candidate or any person on his behalf shall, openly or in secret, give any subscription or donation, or make promise for giving such subscription or donation, to any institution of their concerned constituency or to any other institution, nor shall commit to undertake any development project within the concerned constituency.

b) Use of Government accommodation like Circuit Houses, rest houses : All parties and candidates shall be given equal rights for using government rest house and circuit house on the basis of the application first made and in accordance with the existing rules for using of same. But the government officers engaged in the conduct of the election shall get preference to use Government dak-bungalows, rest houses and circuit houses.

c) Election campaign : All political parties and candidates shall be given equal rights with respect to election campaign. Meetings, processions and election campaigns of the opponent shall be disrupted.

d) Other activities include ban on use of any thoroughfare creating hindrances to the movement of the public, use of government media, government officers, employees vehicles or other state facilities, pasting of posters, leaflets or handbills over those of rival candidates, setting up camps on any road or places meant for use of the public, use of government rest houses, circuit house as a place of election campaign, use of printed paper imported from outside the country and use of multi-colored posters, use of number of microphones at a time, damage of land, building, movable or immovable properties of any citizen, wall writings, use of motor cycle or any other mechanical transport or any other mechanical transport, carrying of fire arms or explosives within the premises of a polling station, illegal interference of government officers or local influential persons in the election process, procession of buses, trucks or any other vehicles or torch procession, any bitter and provocative statement and any such statement that may hurt the sentiments of the followers of any religion, crossing of limits of election expenses, influences of money, arms, muscle power or local influence.

e) Pre-poll irregularities :- Violation of any provision of these rules shall be considered as pre-poll irregularities. Pre-poll period, as defined in the rules, means the period commencing on the announcement of the election schedule and ending on the declaration of election results.

11.2 Prevention of pre-poll irregularities :

(a) Establishment of Electoral Enquiry Committee : Any person or political party aggrieved by such violation may apply to the Electoral Enquiry Committee or Election Commission seeking redress. If the applications filed with the Election Commission is found by the Commission is tenable, it shall send the same to the concerned Electoral Enquiry Committee for investigation. In both cases, the Electoral Enquiry Committee, after making any investigation as per law shall submit its recommendation to the Commission.

(b) Formation of Electoral Enquiry Committee: The Election Commission is empowered by article 91A of the Representation of the People Order, 1972 to establish a Committee to be known as Electoral Enquiry Committee with the judicial officers.

(c) Functions of the Electoral Enquiry Committee: The Committee shall on the basis of information received or complaints made to it or on its own initiative, inquires into any matter or situation or any pre-poll irregularity including any situation or matter, which, in its opinion, may involve, by any person whosoever, as act or omission constituting intimidation, obstruction, coercion, or the publication of false information, or any other act or omission intended to or actually resulting in the obstruction of frustration of the preparation for, or the conduct of, free and fair election.

11.3 Election petitions:

Under article 49 of the Representation of the People Order, 1972, an election petition shall be presented to the Election Commission within 45 days after the publication in the official gazette of the name of the returned candidate. The Election Commission will then make arrangement for submission of the election petitions to the concerned Election Tribunals constituted for the purpose by the Election Commission.

The election tribunal is set up with the District and Sessions Judges at all the District headquarters. Besides, to expedite disposal of election petitions, Election Tribunals have been set up at all the 6 Divisional headquarters. These courts are headed by judicial officers of the level of a District Judge. Their sole and exclusive function is to try election petitions arising out of election disputes. .